Station Road

Knowle, Solihull,

West Midlands B93 0HN

We are here to bear witness to the Lordship of Christ and we offer a welcome to those looking for friendship, those seeking help or support in time of need

Hall Timetable

Knowle URC

Station Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0HN


Rev. Fiona Elvins



Mrs. Diana Dicker

Church Secretary


Mr. Alan Lang


Hall Booking

Mr. Terry Dicker



Knowle room hire hall lettingUnited Reformed Church home page

The About Us pages tell you about our history. Worship, independent of the Church of England, started in Knowle about 1700, with the first Congregational church services about 1838. The first church building was in the High Street, but we built the current one in Station Road in 1932. St Ninian's Presbyterian Church started in Solihull about 1950. Congregational and Presbyterian denominations combined by Act of Parliament in 1972 into the United Reformed Church. St Ninian’s URC closed in 2007, and the majority of the people who worshipped there joined Knowle URC.

Our Hall and vestry room can be hired at reasonable rates. Current users vary from Yoga to Beavers and Cubs and dancing. The timetable on the Hall Users page shows the full list of activities and when it is available. Being a Christian Church, we have many pages of information and opinion about Jesus Christ, the Bible story, and our Beliefs in this modern world. .

About Us
Hall Users Links Beliefs Contact Us

Knowle hall and room hire


(Looking after children and vulnerable adults)

 30 minutes

Our family Sunday Service starts at 10 am

There is wheelchair access and a hearing loop system.